Everybody knows that New York City is one of the best places for the latest in aesthetic surgery procedures including cellulite treatment. So it is quite easy to find a surgical practice offering advanced procedures for cellulite removal. However, if you plan to go in for laser cellulite reduction in NYC, you should take care to choose an experienced plastic surgeon to perform the procedure if you want the best outcome.

Choosing a Physician for Cellulite Laser Treatment

Before you look for your physician educate yourself about CellulazeTM – the truly effective, FDA-approved laser cellulite removal technology from Cynosure.

The Cynosure website is an ideal place to look for your Cellulaze trained surgeon. Just enter the New York City zipcode in the Practitioner Locator to find superior cosmetic laser services in the area. Browse plastic surgery websites that specialize in this latest cellulite removal treatment. You can learn all about the procedure as well as the surgeons who perform it. Short-list surgeons who offer the treatment and select one. Here are some tips to guide you in choosing the right plastic surgeon for laser cellulite treatment in NYC.

• Make inquiries. Find people who have gone in for the procedure. This shouldn’t be difficult as Cellulaze is clinically proven and very much in the news for helping women get rid of those worrisome lumps and bumps. Women who have had a successful experience will be only too glad to recommend their physician.  

• Fix an initial consultation. This will help you to learn more about the surgeon. Ask him about his certifications and qualifications. Make sure that the surgeon is Cellulaze-qualified. This means the physician must have undergone a special training course which qualifies him to perform the surgery using Cynosure’s latest modality.

• Make sure the surgeon has sufficient experience in utilizing the advanced laser cellulite removal technology. Find out how many procedures he has performed.

• Ask to see before and after photographs of other patients. This will give you a good idea of the results that Cellulaze can provide.

Make sure the surgical practice where the surgeon performs the treatment is AAAASF-accredited. This ensures a safe and hygienic environment.

Getting the Best Results – Things You Should Know

Cellulaze is minimally invasive, safe and involves minimal downtime. Results are visible after just one short treatment. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon for laser cellulite reduction in NYC would ensure the best outcome – smoother skin with a reduced appearance of cellulite – for the right candidate. You are an ideal candidate if you are healthy, not overweight and have realistic expectations.

New York City is an ideal place to have cosmetic surgery as it has some of the best plastic surgeons and surgical facilities in the world. There are a wide array of advanced procedures available to help women enhance and make the most of their looks. One of the treatments that many women are going in for is cellulite reduction. Read on to know about the advanced cellulite reduction treatment options available for women in New York City and how it can resolve those troublesome lumps and bumps to give you smoother looking skin.

CellulazeTM – Cellulite Removal Surgery that’s Really Effective

Really effective treatment to remove cellulite with CellulazeTM is now available in NYC. Created by Cynosure, CellulazeTM is the new clinically proven, FDA approved minimally invasive, laser-enabled treatment for cellulite. It is superior to all other treatments as it targets the problem at its source, which is beneath the skin. The CellulazeTM workstation uses Cynosure’s proprietary SideLight 3D™ side-firing technology which allows a two-way delivery of laser heat energy to the targeted area. It features a powerful, pulsed Nd:YAG 1440 nm wavelength and can provide very effective results:

• Gets rid of the  trapped pockets of fat beneath the skin
• Releases rigid fibrous tissues
• Improves skin thickness and elasticity

The device also incorporates the ThermaGuide™ intelligent energy delivery system. It is designed to control the temperature of the laser energy delivered to the treatment area. This prevents overheating and provides more uniform results.

Women are assured of great results for cellulite removal from the thighs, hips and buttocks with this laser cellulite reduction treatment. The appearance of cellulite improves with just one treatment, the skin looks much smoother, and results improve with time. Side effects are minimal.

Locate a Cellulaze Physician in for Safe Surgery

If you are looking to get your cellulite reduction treatment done in New York City, make sure you locate a plastic surgery center with Cellulaze trained physicians. Only a physician who is specially trained in this advanced cellulite laser treatment is allowed to offer it. It’s important that the surgical center is AAAASF-accredited too as this would ensure treatment in a safe and hygienic environment. Well known New York practices now offer advanced liposuction procedures along with cellulite removal surgery. You can go in for a laser liposuction procedure to remove unwanted fat from the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. So combining cellulite treatment with excess fat removal would ensure a much better aesthetic outcome.

A true innovation, Cynosure’s Cellulaze treatment via its exclusive SideLaze technology is proving immensely successful in removing cellulite. Just one simple cellulite treatment can reduce those unsightly lumps and bumps on your skin and make it look smoother and healthier. This is laser cellulite reduction successful because unlike other treatments it specifically targets the root cause of cellulite – the structural issues under the skin. Read on to know how exactly Cellulaze treatment removes cellulite.

Cellulaze Cellulite Reduction Surgery – the Procedure

Cellulite is a skin condition that affects women and is typically seen on the hips, thighs and buttocks. Trapped fat cells push upwards when rigid fibrous connective tissue or septae pull down the skin resulting in the cottage cheese appearance.

Cellulaze, the first and only minimally invasive anti-cellulite treatment with clinically proven results, is FDA approved. The unique workstation combines a powerful pulsed Nd:YAG 1440 nm wavelength and Cynosure’s proprietary SideLaze fiber featuring bidirectional laser flow delivery. It is specially designed to battle cellulite by targeting its source. Only a trained Cellulaze physician can perform the procedure which works as follows:

• The plastic surgeon marks and makes tiny incisions at the target area
• The area is numbed with a local anesthetic or numbing solution
• A small cannula with the laser fiber is inserted through the incision
• The SideLaze3D™ Cellulaze laser fiber is first turned 90 degrees to divide the rigid septae that pull down on the skin; it is then turned 90 degrees downwards to melt the fat; finally, it is turned upwards so that the heat can encourage collagen production and thicken the skin
• The liquefied fat is gently removed

The whole procedure lasts just 1-1.5 hours and offers a dramatic reduction of cellulite. Other proven results:

• An average 25% increase in skin thickness due to collagen and elastic growth
• An average 29% increase in skin elasticity after one year

As only local anesthesia is required, you are awake during the procedure and downtime is minimal. You may need to wear a compression garment, but can get back to routine the next day. Bruising and soreness may last a week. Improvement is seen in as short a time as two weeks. Results improve over time.

Ensuring Optimal Results for Cellulite Removal Surgery

The most important thing is to find a Cellulaze physician to perform your Cellulaze treatment in an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center. Choose a physician who can provide customized treatment. If you have excess fat that you want removed, you can opt for body contouring with liposuction. Fat removal combined with laser cellulite reduction would offer even better aesthetic results.

The thighs are one of the areas most susceptible to cellulite. Summer is the time to get rid of those cellulite-ridden thighs so that you can get into your swimsuit without feeling self-conscious. But the problem is cellulite just doesn’t go away – no matter how rigorously you exercise or diet. Lotions, creams and massage won’t work either – results, if any, are temporary. So what’s the solution? Luckily, there is very effective cellulite reduction treatment available now and this article tells about how it can help you remove stubborn cellulite on the thighs.

CellulazeTM - Cellulite Treatment that’s Creating a Big Buzz

You understand how you can treat cellulite, you need to understand how it is caused. Tight fibrous bands connect the muscles through the fat to your skin. Enlarged pockets of fat trapped by the inflexible bands push up against the skin to cause the dimpled effect called cellulite. In women with thin skin, cellulite is very obvious.  

And it’s here at last! A really effective treatment to bust cellulite, both plastic surgeons and patients alike are talking about Cellulaze TM , the world’s first  minimally invasive aesthetic device   that is specifically designed to target the structure of cellulite beneath your skin. In fact, the reason why the other treatments don’t work is that they address only the surface of the skin.  Developed by industry leader Cynosure, Cellulaze TM is laser-enabled, clinically proven and FDA approved. Patient satisfaction levels with this unique treatment for cellulite are very high.

How Cellulaze TM Treatment Works

Note that this revolutionary laser cellulite reduction surgery is offered only specially trained Cellulaze TM physicians. This is a wide-awake procedure as it requires only local anesthesia. The plastic surgeon marks the treatment area on your thighs and makes a small incision. A tiny cannula or tube with the special SideLaze3D™ Cellulaze laser is inserted through the incision. The laser targets the cellulite precisely to liquefy and level out the bumps of fat. It also works to release the tight fibrous bands that pull down on the skin of your thighs. This reduces the dimpling effect. The liquefied fat is then removed. Besides reducing cellulite, the laser energy can stimulate collagen production and improve your skin’s depth and elasticity. Just one procedure gives your thighs smoother, younger looking skin that lasts.  

Safe Cellulite Removal Surgery

This safe laser cellulite reduction procedure normally takes just 1–1.5 hours. Effects are impressive if you have only mild to moderate cellulite on your thighs.  There could be some bruising and discomfort and you may have to wear a compression garment. You can get back to routine within a day or two. Results continue to get better three to twelve months post-surgery.

Now that you know how to go about removing stubborn cellulite from your thighs, do your research to find a skilled and qualified Cellulaze TM physician with an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice.

Here are some all-important tips on finding the right surgeon for cellulite reduction treatment.  

Only Cynosure Can Offer Lasting Cellulite Cure

Cellulite is a cosmetic condition that affects many women and successful treatment of this depends a lot on the training and experience of the plastic surgeon. The only effective cellulite reduction treatment available is Cellulaze by Cynosure. Cellulaze cellulite treatment can be performed only by CME-trained plastic surgeons. So you’ve got to ensure the surgeon offering Cellulaze laser cellulite treatment has CME certification.

Ask around or Head to the Search Engine

To begin with, you can consult your general practitioner (GP) as well as friends and contacts. Your GP is likely to have firsthand information about plastic surgeons while there could be people among your contacts as well who have undergone plastic surgery of some kind. The Internet is also a good place to search. Head to the Google search box and type in what you’re looking for, and you’re sure to be flooded by plenty of listings. But this is only the initial step. You’ve got to do some serious research now.

All-important Tips

Here are the things you’ve got to check out:

Quality of the surgeon’s website content: A serious plastic surgeon would want people to be inspired by his/her website and get in touch. The website should present the procedure in an honest manner. Do they promise totally transformed looks or do they have a measured approach in the expectations they project? This is vital since no plastic surgery procedure can work like a magic wand. Expectations must be kept in check and every reliable plastic surgeon ensures that. Watch out for false hopes.                                
Experience of the surgeon: Experience is vital for any cellulite reduction treatment. The surgeon must have performed a significant number of Cellulaze laser cellulite treatments.

Is Cellulaze offered: There is no truly successful and long lasting cellulite treatment currently available except the Cellulaze cellulite laser workstation developed by Cynosure. So make sure the website mentions that it offers Cellulaze cellulite treatment. No other claimed cellulite reduction surgery can deliver the goods.

Testimonials and before/after photos: Check if the websites have past cases and testimonials of people who have undergone cellulite reduction treatment at the center. A reliable plastic surgery center should have testimonials. Go through them. See if you can contact the former patients, or go through the before/after photos provided in the website. You need to go ahead with the cellulite reduction surgery only if you are fully convinced of the plastic surgeon’s capabilities.

AAAASF accreditation: It isn’t only the CME-certification of the plastic surgeon you need to ensure, but also the accreditation of the plastic surgery center or clinic. Does it have AAAASF accreditation? AAAASF stands for American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities and is the premier association for clinic standards and facilities. AAAASF accreditation ensures that the facility is high tech, employs competitive staff and provides efficient care.

These factors can never be overlooked when it comes to your health and any potential risks to it as a result of carrying out a particular procedure. These tips on finding the right surgeon for cellulite reduction treatment should help you undergo a safe treatment and achieve long lasting and satisfactory results.

Laser cellulite reduction treatment in Manhattan can help many women affected by the nearly universal problem of cellulite that dimples the skin in the thighs, buttocks and the abdominal area. Cellulite ruffles the skin, making its surface irregular and patchy like that of an orange peel. Cellulite just does not go with exercising or dieting and is unlike other fat deposits.

What Is Genuine Cellulite Reduction Treatment All About?

Effective cellulite reduction treatment in Manhattan is basically the Cellulaze cellulite treatment that involves the use of laser energy. Cellulaze is the only really effective treatment currently available for cellulite. This treatment has been approved by the FDA and is offered by Cynosure through its Cellulaze cellulite laser workstation. Its results have been clinically proven, and the procedure takes only an hour/hour and a half. A single procedure is usually all it takes for satisfactory results.

How Cellulaze Laser Cellulite Treatment Works

Cellulaze cellulite treatment uses a combination of the Nd:YAG 1440 nm laser wavelength and the SideLight bidirectional laser flow fiber for the best results. The bulges, dimples and bumps that characterize cellulite are reduced as this laser device directly targets cellulite’s deep physiological structure. Cellulaze laser cellulite reduction involves thermally subcising and releasing the fibrous septae while effectively targeting the bulging fat pockets. The dermis or the skin layer is thickened and tightened in the process so that the skin does not sag because of the missing cellulite.  

Significant Advantages of Cellulaze Laser Cellulite Reduction

Some of the benefits of Cellulaze cellulite reduction treatment are that it is minimally invasive and provides actually measurable results that last long with increased elasticity and thickness of skin and minimal side effects. The results can be felt in just a few weeks following the surgery and keep improving as the months go by.

Till the arrival of Cellulaze laser cellulite treatment, there was no way to acquire permanent reduction in cellulite. Creams, pills and lotions, which have been traditionally prescribed, cannot provide satisfactory or long-lasting results. Though the heat of the laser is a significant part of the Cellulaze laser cellulite reduction process, technologies such as ThermaGuide ensure the laser is delivered at just the right dose.

Safety and Convenience of Cellulaze Cellulite Reduction Surgery

The minimally invasive nature of this laser cellulite treatment makes it unnecessary for the patient to stay overnight at the plastic surgery center. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and the patient can go home following the cellulite reduction treatment, and resume normal routine in 5 days or so. There will be medication prescribed as part of post-surgery care but light bruising is generally the only discomfort patients will experience. Cellulaze can be administered for small as well as large regions of the body with equally good results.   

Laser cellulite reduction treatment in Manhattan is effective and long lasting with the Cellulaze cellulite laser workstation, which can be administered only by surgeons who have successfully passed the CME-accredited online course and the related training program.